Monday, July 28, 2008

Can we trust BJ Lawson?

Can we trust BJ Lawson to stand up for our civil liberties?


Is BJ Lawson a xenophobe?

This is a totally ridiculous statement to make and it is ridiculously unfounded. BJ Lawson does propose to keep our borders secure and does not want to give illegal immigrants incentives to continue breaking laws. However, he is in no way xenophobic. BJ is a great guy, principled and he is the best candidate to represent the fourth district.

Is BJ Lawson more or less likely to do business as usual?

BJ Lawson will not go to Washington operating business as usual. Some of the guiding principles of his campaign are: Read the Bills Act, Write the Laws Act and the Enumerated Powers Act

Should you vote for BJ Lawson if you want someone who is status quo?

Definitely not. One of the greatest things about this guy is his principle. He will not be a Congressman who the Republicans, Democrats nor any group can manipulate. BJ is going to be bound by the Constitution of the United States not a political party nor its platform.

Does the fourth district Democrat trust Rep. Price or Dr. Lawson?

Hands down, Dr. Lawson!

Friday, July 18, 2008

War Hawks Gone Wild!


July 17, 2008

RALEIGH – Today, North Carolina Congressional candidate William “BJ” Lawson condemned House Congressional Resolution 362 as lunacy masquerading as policy. HR 362 is a bipartisan bill which demands that George W. Bush impose a blockade of Iranian land borders, ports, and airways, which would effectively shut down the entire country of Iran. The enforcement of this bill is illegal and would be a declaration of war under international law.

Lawson said, “In October 2002, a piece of legislation similar to HR 362 led to the war in Iraq, and Congress, both Democrat and Republican, seem determined to make the same mistake again. In 2002, the argument could be made that the evidence as presented inferred that Saddam Hussein may have weapons of mass destruction, even though this turned out to be incorrect. This time however, all evidence is to the contrary. In December 2007, even our own intelligence agencies stated with high confidence that Iran’s program intending to transform raw material into a nuclear weapon has been shut down since 2003.” Lawson went on to say: “It is no surprise that confidence in Congress is at an all time low of 9%. Our elected officials seem more interested in pushing through legislation like this at the behest of special interest groups, lobbyists, and foreign sovereign nations such as Saudi Arabia and Israel rather than what is in the best interest of our own citizens. The proposed blockade of Iran is not in the best interests of the United States or the Middle East.”

Lawson went on to say: “Even if there was a valid reason to attack Iran, we currently have an ongoing war in Afghanistan and in Iraq, and our military are already vastly overstretched. The possibility of preemptively opening a third front, for no reason, is at best irresponsible, and at worst criminal. A blockade of Iran would also lead to an unprecedented rise in the cost of oil. The removal of Iran’s four million barrels of oil per day from the market would inevitably lead to a scramble by China to secure much needed fuel for their economy. The only people to benefit from this action would be oil companies and the people heavily invested in them. If Congress is really so blind to push through this legislation, then maybe it’s time for them to lead from the front and give our soldiers a well earned rest.”

Dr. William “BJ” Lawson is running for Congress in North Carolina’s 4th Congressional District.


700 Billion Dollar Ripoff!