This video would be quite humorous, if it wasn't downright sad.
As a civil libertarian, I just have to cringe when David Price excuses his vote for the Patriot Act by saying it is a "temporary measure," and that it "passed overwhelmingly." So David, if the 356 other Congressmen who voted for this legislation jumped off a bridge, would you do it with them? That is a flat out ridiculous excuse to make for voting for it. Furthermore, where in the 4th Amendment and other amendments in the Bill of Rights does it say that the government may "temporarily" violate our civil liberties? As I understand it, the government is supposed adhere to the Bill of Rights ALL the time, regardless of circumstance. That's the whole point of it.
It's also pretty sad that Price couldn't answer a simple question: "Did you vote for these Bills?" It's quite simple to answer this question: he could have answered "yes" or "no." He could have even explained his answer. But instead of answering this question, he accuses B.J. of wanting to make it a "political" event, talks about other bills, and gives unconscionable excuses for his shameful votes on these bills As Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Greens, Independents, and most of all Americans, we have to ask ourselves one fundamental question after seeing this video: if someone isn't able to answer a question as simple as this, why do we expect them to be able to answer questions like "How do we get out of Iraq?" or "How are we going to fix the economy?"
Anyhow, on to this rather disgraceful performance by
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