Friday, August 15, 2008

That Which Sen. Obama and BJ Lawson Share

Last night I attended the Campaign Kickoff for Lawson for Congress. I can tell you that I have never been around that many Republicans in my life and to be honest with you I was a bit nervous...imagine that, me, nervous. To my great surprise I met a lot of great people who share my love for this country and for the district. I must admit that we have some very different ideas about how to solve the problems that face this country but we agree that BJ Lawson is the best person running for Congress in the fourth district to go to Washington and help it work better.

I have said all along that I am not so much against Rep. Price as I am for Dr. Lawson and his principles of good government. BJ offers fresh perspective and new ideas for a governmental system that is so desperately in need of new perspective. I have said this before and I really think this is true: "Dr. BJ Lawson is for the fourth district what Sen. Barak Obama is for our nation."

What is that which BJ shares with Obama? Refreshment. They both offer a refreshing change from the status quo. Neither Sen. Obama nor Dr. Lawson promises to give us business as usual. They each offer plans of refreshment. Whether it be Sen. Obama's blue print for change or Dr. Lawson's Principles of Good Government, each candidate promises a refreshing change from the ordinary. Ordinary, there is a great word that describes both Sen. Obama's and Dr. Lawson's opponent. Both Sen. McCain and Rep. Price are good enough fellows but they are ordinary. Webster defines ordinary as being of a kind to be expected in the normal order of events. It defines refreshing as agreeably stimulating because of freshness or newness. So, given the option between ordinary and refreshing, I choose refreshing each day and twice on Sunday! I am so proud to be a supporter of refreshing candidates. I can tell you this, come Nov. 4 I will cast a ballot for Barak Obama for President and William "BJ" Lawson for Representative of the fourth congressional district in North Carolina; I encourage you to do the same.

Below is a clip from the campaign kickoff event last night.

1 comment:

jcr said...

" each candidate promises a refreshing change from the ordinary."

Senator Obama has just chosen a man who's spent half his life in the senate, a known warmonger who brags that most of the contents of the Patriot act were his idea, for his running mate.

BJ Lawson stands for change. Barack Obama is offering the same old business-as-usual with nothing but a change of window-dressing.


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