Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Be the Change; Vote BJ on 11/4

It has been a profound honor and most humbling of experience to work with the Lawson for Congress campaign. Though this blog is not run nor managed by the Lawson for Congress campaign, I have had so much fun learning, growing and hoping with this campaign and the candidate. We the people know that there is a true need for change.

Mahatma Ghandi said so eloquently, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." One of the most exciting aspects of this campaign has been watching people become the change that they wish for this wonderful nation.

I have worked alongside of Independents, Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Progressives, Conservatives and this list could continue. Each have become the change that he or she wishes to see. I have seen a lifelong Democrat, in Bonnie Hauser, become a community activist and organizer; she refuses to sit by idly as UNC and other special interest groups evoke imminent domain to take away folks land for an airport that this county does not need. I have seen college students like Matt Barber, Ron White, Kacy Fortner, Matt Tucker and countless others become campus organizer; they recognize that the call for change and accountability extends into the colleges as well. I have seen people who work full time jobs give every minute of free time because we are becoming conscious voters who know that we cannot afford the price of doing nothing. We can not afford the price of partisan politics. In this election we know that we cannot afford the price of bail outs.

We, the people of the fourth congressional district of North Carolina, need change, we need leadership;we need to elect Dr. BJ Lawson to represent us in Washington!

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