Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Linda Williams
919-481-1177 / 919-412-7530 cell
N.C. Congressional Candidate Lawson Raises More than $170,000 in 24 Hours
Americans fed up with Washington bailouts;
Opponent Rep. Price polling below 50%
CARY , N.C. – William (B.J.) Lawson's Congressional campaign web site has raised more than $177,000 in a 24-hour period and $237,000 since the passage of the controversial Wall Street bailout package last week. Lawson fiercely opposed the bailout legislation as a featured member of the coalition at and released many in-depth criticisms on his campaign site In North Carolina's Fourth Congressional District, Lawson (R) is running against Rep. David Price (D), the incumbent who recently voted in favor of the bailout even as a vast majority of local constituent calls were against it.
The Lawson for Congress campaign's current fundraising total is over $460,000 and climbing. More than 3,000 individuals in North Carolina and across the United States, who believe in returning the country to its Constitutional roots, have donated to the Lawson campaign. The $177,000 raised could be the largest single-day fundraising total for Congressional campaigns in North Carolina.
"Our amazing grassroots support, fundraising success, and the overwhelming majority of people across the country against the bailouts indicate that America is indeed ready for change," Lawson said. "We've watched the Dow lose more than 1,000 points since the passage of the bailout, which was supposed to inspire confidence. The change message doesn't apply to any one party or any one man because Washington Republicans and Democrats alike are part of the problem. Rep. Price went along with the pack and the corporate elite, as he usually does. We are asking people in this district to 'Be the Change' and vote Lawson for Congress."
Lawson supporter and friend Rep. Ron Paul sent an email to supporters asking them to donate to the Lawson campaign.
"B.J. is running against an entrenched big government liberal who voted for the $700 billion taxpayer bailout of Wall Street and has a long history of voting for huge spending, raiding your social security trust fund for pet projects, and even voted for the Patriot Act…..We need B.J. Lawson in Congress to stand beside me in the fight for liberty, and against the corporate socialism that has overtaken our economy," said Paul.
In a poll conducted by the Lawson campaign, support for Rep. Price is now just under 50% -- far below his typical margin of victory in the district -- with an additional 10% of the voters undecided.
On the recent polling data, Lawson commented, "This will be a race to the finish, as voters realize that they have a principled alternative who will serve American individuals instead of corporate interests."
Dr. William (B.J) Lawson is running for Congress in North Carolina's 4th District. For more information, go to
Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty
206 High House Road
Suite 210
Cary, NC 27513
Phone: 919-481-1177
Fax: 919-481-6934
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