Sunday, October 19, 2008

Powell Endorses Obama

This is not in any way connected with BJ Lawson, but it does have to do with my pick for President, Barack Obama. I am so excited that General Colin Powell endorsed for President Barack Obama.

I was so impressed with this endorsement. I especially liked when he said that the right response to the accusation that Barack Obama is a terrorist is not to simply point out the Barack Obama is a Christian and has been his entire life. No, according the Gen. Powell is to say, "So what?" I could not agree more.

Here is the clip:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Powell and Obama have spoken occasionally, including a face-to-face meeting this year, the endorsement caught the Democratic.Powell's endorsement has been much anticipated because of his impressive foreign policy credentials, a subject on which Obama,was a first-term senator.


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